Friday, February 24, 2006

Monday I got Friday on my mind

I wait for friday all week, I'm getting lazy as I get older, by the time I am 60 I may have stopped moving all together, at 70 its possible that I might only communicate by eyebrow movements.

Weekends are good, weekends are the only time that I get to pretend that I'm rich and can do what the hell I like all day, unless of curse the three females need transporting somewhere. This weekend, like last, will be spent in front of an easel trying to do a semi abstract landscape.

I've got the subject in mind and at the moment I'm practising on another scene just to see what will work and not work with different kinds of pastels. The subject is going to be a pub near where the mutha-in-lor lives, its perched all on its own on a cliff top and has been there for about 200 years with the North Sea lashing the base of its cliff and a wind battering its windows that hasn't been deflected by anything since it left Scandinavia - its going to make a lovely backlit subject in blue but I need to abstract the cliffs below it and make it messy in a sort of organised way - I know what I mean just can't describe it.

Its the end of the month, the mortgage is due, bills are due, we've changed bank accounts so some direct debits haven't paid properly and I'm getting calls at home from companies who haven't been paid this month but I'm getting stroppy with them before they get stroppy with me telling them to pull their fucking fingers out and get the direct debit online properly since they had two months notice to do so, I've had three such calls this week and they were all informed on January 4th that they needed to change their collection details, fuckin idiots.

One of them was NatWest Insurance who were bitching about not being able to collect their monthly standing order for two months now, I wasn't in the mood for arsing about on the phone at 8 fekkin 30 at night with the young boy who had been delegated the job of bollacking me, I simply asked him to check my details while he was on the phone, he agreed with me that my bank was NatWest, he agreed with me that I'd sent them the new details seven fuckin weeks ago, he agreed with me that his own company was also NatWest, but he shut up when I asked him why one NatWest company could not set up a direct debit with another NatWest company within seven weeks when I can set them up online in seven minutes.

They drive me up the bleedin wall and I haven't yet had a reply back from the loan company that I wrote to six weeks agao asking why they'd surcharged me for owing them £0.00, they'll need a sense of humour to read my letter to them, maybe thats where they're struggling

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