Friday, September 01, 2006

I'd have been the beau of the ward

One thing I forgot to add to last nights post - when I was lying in a drugged up state in my little cubicle in the hospital A&E department there was a knock at the door and in came my two daughters, which was nice, they were concerned about me, which was nice, and they'd brought an overnight bag just in case the doctors confined me, which was nice.

See the bag in the photograph ?

That is very similar to the toiletery bag that they'd packed for me.

And they'd packed one of Suzannes pink gym bags full of clothes for me too.

How pleased am I that I'm not waking up in a male ward today with those two bags at the foot of my bed ?

My youngest sat in the treatment cubicle and told me that she'd found the book that I've currently got my head in and she'd packed that too, and did I want her to go home and bring back the laptop and some painting equipment ?

My kids know me too well.

The tablets worked last night by the way and the need to piss every ten minutes has disappeared too, a grain of sand in your kidneys is all it takes - bloody incredible.

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