Sunday, May 28, 2006

annoyed....and jealous

Dropped off the nearly eighteen daughter at her restaurant job last night at 7pm.

Saturday night she normally finishes at either 11pm or 1am depending on how busy they are and who gets the early finish, either way I get the call to pick her up (see why I want her to pass her driving test now).

So I'm fast asleep in bed and I wake up at 00.30am and check the clock, she's obviously got a 1am finish now so I stay awake until just after 1am waiting for the call.

At 1.30am I send her a text message asking where she was, she replied almost instantly, too quickly I thought in my tangled half asleep mind to say that she had a lift sorted - well thanks for nothing I thought and tried to go back to sleep.

I have clues as to whether she's back in the house or not - I leave the landing light on and hse turns it off when she comes in so if I wake at some godforsaken hour and the landing light is still on then I know shes not back yet - its not for nothing that I was voted "spy of the year" for two years running at MI5 summer camp you know.

5.30am I hear the door alarm cheep as the front door opens - its nearly 18 daughter coming in, I check the clock, it really is 5.30 am and bad news for nearly 18 daughter - her mum has just woken up and wants to know what time I picked her up last night, I reply that I didn't pick her up, she's just arrived back under her own steam. She gets up immediately and is out on the landing waiting for nearly 18 daughter to come upstairs where they have an interrogation session that would not look out of place in a cheap 1950's war film - she got a lock in at the bar.

I'm annoyed that she's coming in at 5.30am, I'm annoyed that its light outside and she's coming home from a night out, I'm annoyed that she's discovered the delights of the lock-in, but it me I'm annoyed with. I'm bloody annoyed that it never happens to me any more and even if it did I'd still be at home tucked up in bed at midnight, I just can't be arsed with staying up all night any more, that sort of thing is for teenagers.

Now, what time shall I wake her up this morning ?

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