Friday, May 12, 2006

Waiting for bad news...

Yesterday afternoon we got the call that we had been expecting from Suzannes sister in the north east, her mother has been in hospital for some weeks now after her heart attack at easter and in the last week has had multiple organ failure, one problem after another, something picks up and another things stops working, one set of drugs work here, but cause problems elsewhere, medicine is often a balancing act but often the body will fight back against the drugs that are supposed to be helping it.

And so we got the call "get up here now, she hasn't got much time" and we left home at 4pm on the two hour trip to Newcastle, receiving text messages all the way from her five other brothers and sisters as to what was happening and where were we now ?

Made the trip in almost record time without breaking the speed limit (much) but then got stuck in a 45 minute traffic queue at the Tyne Tunnel, not funny.

We got there in time and I dropped Suzanne off and left her with her family and returned home to Leeds to look after our family, the call later on in the night was that the ventillator was the only thing keeping her alive and it was now just a matter of "when" rather than "if".

So I await news from the northeast, its lunchtime now and I've heard nothing and I can't ring Suzanne as her phone has to be switched off in the hospital, but it looks fairly certain that we'll be planning a funeral for next wek.


Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Losing a family member is never easy and my thoughts are with you.

Gary said...

Thank you.

Just after I'd written that I got a call to say that she has perked up a bit!!!

No-one is really expecting her to leave hospital though and it is still a matter of waiting but she's a tough old bird and won't let go !!!