Tuesday, November 07, 2006

BNP do not incite racism...no really...

Once again the British National Party are in the headlines at the retrial of two of their leaders for the charges of "inciting racial hatred".

We have to go through the whole legality of the trial because it woul dbe playing straight into their hands to simply find them guilty of the bleedin obvious - that their whole political party is based on a premise of inciting racial hatred.

Link to the current news story

Link to the BNP web site if you need further evidence of their strange and twisted mentalities.

I almost hesitate there to provide a link to the BNP web site in fear that it gives them some sort of credibility instead of the view that they are a bunch of crazy racist nutters, but the fact is that they are established in certain sections of the British community as a credible political party, and indeed have won seats in local council elections, and received not unsubstantial numbers of votes in general elections.

Reading their viewpoints and manefestos are the only way to expose them for what they are and destroy any of that credibility at the ballot box.

There are thousands of links to news items on the BNP floating around the web but the one above to the latest news story is fairly representative of most of the stuff written, and while I always try to be even handed with news stories, always try and see both sides of an argument and can often be swayed in my viewpoint by convincing arguments, there aren't many sane people who would read that news story and believe that the speech in question was not made to incite racial hatred - and the excuse that "they couldn't be incited as they already agreed with me" is probably the weakest argument in favour of breaking a law that I have ever heard, its like saying "I didn't stab him to death, I just stabbed him and he died a bit later"

The only sad thing is that in the areas in which they are represented politically, they have substantial number of supporters.

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