Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fame at last...

You simply must dash out tomorrow and buy this (left) latest edition of the magazine that is loved by old women the nation over - Woman magazine.

Why ? I hear you ask...

Why ? I respond incredulously. Why ?

Why - because I'm in it this week of course.

Fame at last.

If you have a magnifying glass to the power of, lets say, ten or more times magnification, then you'll spot me on the "here are the guests releasing balloons in celebration" photo, to the left, near the back, thats me, yes, its me, no really I am that handsome in real life too.

And if you know who you're looking for you'll see my wife, she's the one with her mouth open as if nagging me to release my balloon (waste of a good balloon) and you'd be right, she was nagging.

You'll also see Jodie on that photo, we're all famous, the whole family, I'm sat by my front door right now awaiting the hordes of autograph hunters who will surely be descending on the house any time now...

Famous, in Woman magazine, who would-a-thunk-it eh ?

I bet I can't walk past any old peoples homes tomorrow.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Nice. Fame becomes you.

Maybe you can scan the picture and post it for those very few of us who don't buy Woman magazine on a regular basis. ;-)

Gary said...

I have indeed scanned the photo and at four times magnification can just about see myself, I may post it later.