Sunday, July 23, 2006

So, GAP Insurance then...

Bought a new car yesterday.

Well, you could almost call it a new car, when it grows up it will be a car, Suzanne has handbags that are bigger than the Peugeot 107, but her and Amanda like the yellow one and they've dug deep in their pockets and bought a nice spoiler for the back too so that it looks a bit like a fairground dodgem car.

What ?
Me ?
Won't be seen dead in it, no.

The chap at the dealership, who I know quite well, starts to tell me all about GAP Insurance, which I also know quite well as we bought it for the Ford Focus that this handbag on wheels is replacing, and so I said no we don't need GAP Insurance, its just a scam.

But Suzanne insisted that we do need GAP Insurance and so we got it - see how it works in our house ?

So what is GAP Insurance ?

If you buy your car on finance then the chances are that on the day that you drive it out of the dealership it will be worth less than what you have just borrowed from the finance company.

If your brand new baby car is stolen that very same night and trashed out of all recognition by the sort of low life mouth breathers who haunt the gutters late at night, then your insurance company who provide your accident cover will make you an offer for the "value" of the car, which will be considerably less than the "cost" of your car.

In other words the insurance company are a lower grade of shit than the low life mouth breather who trashed it in the first place, but if you've read this blog before then you'll know all about lower grade shit insurers.

And they tell you all this up front, they are not ashamed by the fact.

"In the event of a total loss your motor insurer will only pay you the market value of the car at the time of the incident, and your outstanding balance could be more than the market value paid out by the insurer"

Notice how in that statement the GAP Insurance company has distanced themselves from this dubious practice by referring to "your motor insurer", conveniently omitting to mention that the GAP Insurer is quite likely to be the same insurer that won't pay out in full if your car is lost.

So what do they do after they have brazenly admitted that they will only pay you the absolute minimum that they feel that they can get away with in a court of law ?

They sell you another insurance policy to make up for the dreadfullness of the policy that you've just bought off them.

And the bas'tads rake the money in once again.

So she bought the GAP Insurance, another £199 on the price of the yellow rollerskate.

I'm just the fool that signs for all this stuff.

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